Assisted purchase and delivery service
from Russia and Europe

1. How much does it cost to ship?
  • Shipping cost from Russia = tariff + packaging (<5 kg € 9, <10 kg € 18)
  • Shipping cost from Italy, Germany = tariff + packaging (<5 kg € 9, <10 kg € 18)
2. How to buy in Russia?
Follow this link.
3. How to get an address for shopping?
Sign up and follow the link (shopping addresses are shown in your account)
4. How to pay?
To pay for delivery, use the Paypal, Visa / Mastercard payment or bank transfer.

Address in Italy for online shopping


Since the new year time for delivery by EMS increased.  Instead of the standard 5-7 days delivery has risen to 10-14 days.

The press service of EMS Russian Post argue that the failures did not occur, there may be delays due to increased volume of incoming parcels at the customs clearance. We did not get a valid response.

We ask our clients to take note of, and plan for the delivery your parcels in advance.

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